Sunday, December 11, 2011

Delhi admn to act tough against private hospitals failing to give free treatment to poor patients

Following the recent order by the Supreme Court to extend free treatment to the poor people in the private hospitals, the Delhi administration has launched a slew of pro-active measures including reviewing the lease agreements for lands with the hospitals that fail to adhere to the court instruction.

In a number of instances, the concerned private hospitals which have charged money for treatment of economically weaker section (EWS) patients have been directed to refund the same following the court order. Besides, the government also directed the Land & Development Office to initiate action under lease terms against the private hospitals for non-adherence of the directions of  the High Court which inter-alia include cancellation of allotments, re-entry of the hospitals and issuance of show-cause notices, sources said.

The Delhi HC in its judgement on March 23, 2007 directed all the hospitals which had got land at concessional rates from various land allotting agencies to provide 10 per cent IPD and 25 per cent OPD free of cost to eligible category of Economically Weaker Section patients (EWS).

Later, 10 identified private hospitals filed SLP in the Supreme Court and got an interim relief regarding operations, investigations like X-ray, Ultrasound, CT Scan etc. However, the Supreme Court in September this year dismissed the PIL and directed to provide 10 per cent IPD and 25 per cent OPD completely free of cost to eligible category of EWS patients.

The government issued guidelines regarding free treatment of eligible category of EWS patients in the identified private hospitals in the year 2007 as well as in October, 2011, wherein both the identified private as well as Govt. hospitals were directed to establish Special Referral Centres and appoint nodal officers to facilitate referral of EWS patients, sources said.

“The Government of NCT of Delhi created a web page which displays the real time availability for free beds (critical as well as non critical) to facilitate referral of patients. The information is available on the www/ The Government has constituted a monitoring committee comprising of Director Health Services, Medical Officer In-charge Nursing Home Cell, PIL petitioner, Medical Superintendent of St Stephen’s Hospital and Medical superintendent of the concerned hospitals which inspects four to five hospitals each month,” sources said