Tuesday, June 2, 2009

DIA - TN Chapter opening

The TN Chapter of the DIA proposes to host several lectures and seminars for members as Chapter activity .Moreover the Work shops and conferences will be at a discounted price to members .

The membership fee is Rs 800 to students, Rs 1200 for Academia , Rs 1600 for CRO, Industry ,others Please do send your staff and students and make the event a meaningful and interesting learning session.

Phase 1 Trials in India - The way forward ( Clinical,Ethical and Regulatory Issues) - Tuesday, 9th June 2009Inauguration - 10 min - 0900-0910

Session 1 - 0910- 1010 hrs
1. Overview of Phase 1 Clinical Trials - Dr Nadig( Crema) - 30min
2. Challenges in Phase 1 Trials- Dr Nadig ( Crema)- 20 min Q& A- 10 min

Session 2. - 10 10- 11 10 hrs
1.Clincal Trials& their Ethical Issues- 30min Dr Vasantha Muthuswamy ( former DDG - ICMR)2.Special Concerns in Phase 1 Clinical Trials - 20 min Dr Vasantha Muthuswamy
Q& A- 10min

TEA BREAK - 10 min

Session 3 - 1120- 1220 hrs
1. Regulatory Stand point of Phase 1 Trials in India.Dr Venkateswarlu ( Former DCGI)
2. Challenges in Global scenario vis-a-vis India Where are we and the way forward -Dr Venkateswarlu

DISCUSSION- 30 min 1220 - 1250

Concluding Remarks/PROFILE OF DIA - Dr Nandkumar Chodankar 1250- 1300
Time is not yet fixed - Depends on the auditorium availability 0900- 1300 hrs / or 1300- 17.00 hrs
Probable Venue would be Madras Diabetic Research Foundation.- Conran Smith Rd - in Golpalapuram near CM's house . Venue would be confirmed before June 5th which is the last date to send applications by all interested participants.

Participants who are interested to attend has to enroll for membership in DIA (Drug Information Association) . The application form can be found at http://ifile.%20it/k2xuv5b

Please do contact me if you need any further details
(1) Dr Annabelle Rajaseharan (Professor)9444066519 ; 984063661623751232(Res) after 5 pm (2) Dr Arun (PG student), Stanley Medical College, Chennai9841012335
(3) Dr Sreekanth Gattu (PG Student), SRMC, Chennai9940061168